The other day I posted this:
I'm having a little to much fun writing this one!
"The last time Alec and I had encountered him it had been hand-to-hand combat only and my gunshot wounded boyfriend had still kicked his ass."
on one of the writing groups I am in on Facebook. It got a lot of likes and heart reactions, but then there was this one guy who had to be negative about it. His comment wasn't even rude or anything, all he said was: to many hads. It might seem silly but this made me feel bad, like I had done something wrong. And then, I thought long and hard about it. If everybody else liked it just the way it was, and I liked it the way it was maybe we weren't the ones with the problem. So I simply told him: Don't care, I like it the way it is. And he deleted his negative comment.
So now, your all probably wondering why I'm telling you this. Criticism and feedback are vital for writers! We need them to help us grow. But blindingly following what one person thinks is absolutely not doing you any good. When they're a dozen people liking something and just one negative feedback, go with the masses. Stand by your writing! Never let someone bully you into thinking that your not good enough. Believe in yourself because if you don't nobody else will. You know what is best for you writing. Of course, you should listen to other's opinions, but in the end, stand up for what you want. And this goes for literary agents and publishers, too. If you don't like their suggestions, that's okay. Maybe they aren't the best fit for you.
Now to end on a high note.
Everlasting has gotten it's first two reviews. Go with the masses who say this book is worth reading!